Day: February 5, 2022

Human & Machine

The Invisible Pandemic: How AI in social media is diminishing the mental health of our children

“Facebook Knows Instagram Is Toxic for Teen Girls” This is what the caption reads of an article in the Wall Street Journal which shocked the world in September of last year. In the article, internal research by Facebook (the parent company of Instagram) reveals that their social media app makes body image issues worse for […]

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Human & Machine Power & Democracy Uncategorized

The game of life, obey the rules or be banned from society

Game over. You have run out of life points (or credit score points). Envision, receiving a notification warning that states that you will be banned from society. Just as in a board game. One wrong move, you receive a card, and you end up landing on the Jail Space. It certainly seems science fiction as […]

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Human & Machine Power & Democracy Uncategorized War & Peace

AI will save humanity, but maybe in a sandbox.

Artificial Intelligence has got a growing lot of traction in recent years and it has proved its efficiency and usefulness in most sectors our there in the world. As we can expect with most things, there are trade-off and some risks associated with the use of AI in every sector. There are some serious genuine […]

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Human & Machine

Man or Machine: What’s the Difference Anyway?

In the past decade, the growth of Artificial Intelligence within our society has been rapid and seamless. It seems as though until only very recently, with the introduction of the GDPR and scandals such as that of Cambridge Analytica, we have allowed with open arms the influx of AI in our daily lives, barely even […]

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Human & Machine

Why you want the Terminator to be your next surgeon

Introduction to autonomous robotic surgery Significant advancements in Artificial intelligence have had an enormous impact on our lives in every aspect. Health and medical procedures are no exception. While it hopefully won’t be needed, you or someone close to you might require surgery at some point in the future. Soon a robot might play a significant […]

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Human & Machine Power & Democracy

How autonomous cars will create vulnerabilities and risks

Data Privacy It’s not without reason that everything has its costs. This also applies to the comfort and safety benefits that autonomous cars bring with them. However, in this case, you don’t just pay with your money. The technical possibilities to adjust the driving experience to you as an individual and take over tasks are […]

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AI is not as evil as we think

Intro Each of us – especially within the AI community – saw claims from famous people like Elon Musk or Stephen Hawking that AI is a big threat to humanity. When you hear this for the first time, you really become nervous and suspicious about recent AI developments showing how powerful autopilots, chatbots, weather forecasters, […]

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War & Peace

Retaining Human Control on LAWS

A New Revolution in Warfare As the tension is building up concerning Russia versus NATO situation, the world is anxiously waiting for its outcome. As a new war might be commencing, warfare itself is also on the verge of revolutionising. As technology is advancing, new types of weapons are made. The first two warfare revolutions […]

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War & Peace

The modern weapons of “mass” destruction: Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS)

Data is beautiful. Through the use of scientific methods and algorithms we extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. Did you know that 90% of world’s data had been generated in the past two years? This explosion of information known as “Big Data” is completely transforming the world around us. Back in 1940 […]

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Human & Machine Uncategorized

AI technologies are the core of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)

1. Introduction Since 2006, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has attracted our attention a lot, and nowadays, its heat is still there, playing an active and important role in our daily life. It is believed that the appearance of Artificial Intelligence is the dawn of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). Of course, there are some arguments that […]

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