
Human & Machine

Digital Sugar: Consequences of unethical recommender systems

Introduction We are spending more and more time online. The average internet user spends over 2 hours on social networking platforms daily. These platforms are powered by recommendation systems, complex algorithms that use machine learning to determine what content should be shown to the user based on their personal data and usage history. In the […]

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Climate & Resources

An Opportunity or a Disaster? AI’s Impact on the Climate Crisis is More Complicated than You Think

The (Potential) Opportunity Improving energy efficiency in various industries, assisting the renewable energy grid management, allowing intelligent waste recycling, and assisting environmental policy-making. All of these ways of mitigating the climate crisis, and many more, are being made possible thanks to the increased capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI). Various academics (for example, see Cowls et […]

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Labour & Ownership Power & Inequality

Digital DNA – Why AI Creations Must Bear Their Unique Mark

Could you tell fiction from reality? If so, how? What can you do to be sure that the online content you view every day on social media is not some computer-generated make-believe? With the impressive pace of progress in the field of generative neural networks and the current ease of access to the technology, concerns […]

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Power & Democracy Power & Inequality

Navigating the AI Era: The Imperative for Internet Digital IDs

The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents a dual-edged sword, offering unprecedented opportunities while introducing complex challenges, particularly in the realm of digital security. At the heart of these challenges is the pressing need for effective internet identification systems capable of distinguishing between human and AI interactions. We will explore the vital importance of […]

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Labour & Ownership

The Big Data Robbery: How Tech Companies Steal Copyrighted Data

A growing sentiment among many is that it’s high time that tech companies foot the bill for the free training data feasts that have fueled the growth and strength of their generative Artificial Intelligence systems. These systems rely heavily on large amounts of training data to learn from. This data includes text, images, and other […]

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Power & Democracy Power & Inequality

Data privacy: Why it should be the next step in AI regulation

In the current stage of development in Artificial Intelligence (AI), there is nothing more important than data. It’s the fuel of any statistical-based AI method. The most popular classes of models ingest enormous amounts of data to be trained, such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, PaLM. However, in many models, the users do not explicitly give […]

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Humanoid robot holding a gun.
Power & Democracy War & Peace

AI weapons: Ban them before they strike

Would you believe it if we told you that completely autonomous weapon systems are already being used to kill people? Well, they are. And it needs to stop before disaster strikes. It’s no secret that companies like Lockheed Martin “have been delivering advanced autonomous systems to the U.S. military and allies” for decades, but this […]

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Utilising publicly accessible works across various fields, including artistic, literary, and coding repositories, without explicit permission, while essential, raises significant ethical concerns that overshadow the advancements in generative AI technology.

Recent years have seen an unexpectedly rapid rise in AI tools and technologies. It was only a few years ago when OpenAI unveiled their Dall-E 2 in 2022, an image generator that garnered attention from the popular press and sparked the beginning of the rise of Artificial Intelligence tools to the masses. Since the unveiling […]

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Human & Machine Labour & Ownership Power & Democracy Power & Inequality Uncategorized War & Peace

Embracing Unleashed Intelligence: A Call for Unregulated AI 

INTRO Recent developments in AI have seen subfields of this technology, such as generative AI and deep learning, explode in terms of popularity, innovation, and investments. These advancements are happening at such a rapid pace that it is nowadays difficult to imagine a field in which some forms of AI cannot or will not be […]

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E-Waste in Global South
Climate & Resources

Transparency: the Starting Point of Affirmative Climate Action

Why governments should enforce Big Tech companies to be transparent about their environmental and social impact Introduction In 2022 it was estimated that roughly 1.7% of the world’s electricity was used by large Information and Communication Industry (ICT) services which power all computers giving power to Amazon and Google cloud. However, this 1.7% is projected […]

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