

A Call for Basic Human Rights: EU Should Mandate Minimum Wage for Click Workers

In the era of advanced technology and artificial intelligence, the gig economy has seen a significant rise, with an increasing number of individuals engaging in click work – performing small tasks online for minimal pay. This phenomenon raises ethical concerns about the treatment of click workers and the need for a minimum wage mandate in […]

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The AI Boom: Will it blow up in our faces?

It is 2024, ChatGPT, the world-famous chatbot, had its first birthday last October, and Artificial Intelligence, or AI in short, is all the hype. In the past year, AI has risen to the mystical status of God. While their exact workings remain elusive to the public, adoption of AI systems has skyrocketed. ChatGPT, probably the […]

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Human & Machine Power & Democracy Uncategorized

The Era of Polarization: How Social Media’s Hidden Algorithms are Tearing Society Apart

Have you ever heard the phrase “we are what we eat”? The truth is that this saying does not only apply to the physical world but also to our digital lives. Every day, we feed our brains with the content that we consume online, particularly on social media. Our reality is constantly being shaped by […]

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Utilising publicly accessible works across various fields, including artistic, literary, and coding repositories, without explicit permission, while essential, raises significant ethical concerns that overshadow the advancements in generative AI technology.

Recent years have seen an unexpectedly rapid rise in AI tools and technologies. It was only a few years ago when OpenAI unveiled their Dall-E 2 in 2022, an image generator that garnered attention from the popular press and sparked the beginning of the rise of Artificial Intelligence tools to the masses. Since the unveiling […]

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Should AI know everything?

Introduction In the digital era, data is the new gold, driving advancements in fields ranging from healthcare to marketing. At the heart of this revolution is Artificial Intelligence (AI), a technology that thrives on vast quantities of information. However, as AI systems become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, they also encounter a plethora of […]

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Human & Machine Labour & Ownership Power & Democracy Power & Inequality Uncategorized War & Peace

Embracing Unleashed Intelligence: A Call for Unregulated AI 

INTRO Recent developments in AI have seen subfields of this technology, such as generative AI and deep learning, explode in terms of popularity, innovation, and investments. These advancements are happening at such a rapid pace that it is nowadays difficult to imagine a field in which some forms of AI cannot or will not be […]

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Generative AI: The paintbrush of the modern artistry era

In a world where artists collaborate with algorithms to iteratively turn static noise into a digital masterpiece, a profound question echoes: Who holds the brush in the revolutionary age of AI-generated creations? As we navigate the undiscovered wilderness on the border between legalities, artificial intelligence, and human artistry, we must remember who pilots the vehicle. […]

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Why you should embrace ChatGPT as your friend and teacher

The release of ChatGPT in November 2022 marked the start of a new era in human-AI interaction. ChatGPT is part of what we call generative AI: programs that are able to understand and generate human-like content. This chatbot, created by the San-Francisco based OpenAI, makes generative AI easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection. […]

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No fear of killer robots

Introduction The discussion and media coverage of Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS) has been increasing. But what are AWS and why have they been given the nickname of ‘killer robots’? This article will explain what AWS are, the difference between autonomous and automated, the legal and ethical considerations, and why the term killer robots is not […]

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Human & Machine Power & Democracy Uncategorized

The game of life, obey the rules or be banned from society

Game over. You have run out of life points (or credit score points). Envision, receiving a notification warning that states that you will be banned from society. Just as in a board game. One wrong move, you receive a card, and you end up landing on the Jail Space. It certainly seems science fiction as […]

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