Month: January 2021

AI Driven Algorithms Are Polarizing Our Society; Here Is How We Stop It
- Martijn van der Wijck & Görkem Kılıç
- January 31, 2021
All around the world we see democracies being challenged by the increase of polarization and the spread of disinformation on social media platforms. The fundamentals of the democracy that we live in are at danger and the pace of the development of AI is only increasing. Is it too late? Or are we still able to stop this?
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AI should rule humanity: Hail our AI Saviours
- 2521648 & 2527566
- January 31, 2021
“It seems probable that once the machine thinking method had started, it would not take long to outstrip our feeble powers… They would be able to converse with each other to sharpen their wits. At some stage, therefore, we should have to expect the machines to take control. “ This famous quote of Alan Turing […]
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Mind uploading in 2045: opportunities and hazards.
- Bram Kreuger & Deborah van Sinttruije
- January 31, 2021
2045, that’s the date that some futurists hope we can upload our mind. Uploading your mind to a computer and living eternally in bits and bites might seem like an episode from black mirror, but the possibility that we can upload our brain is a very possible feat in the future. There are plenty of […]
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Whether We Got Something to Hide or Not, We Got Something to Fear; China’s All-Seeing State
- bmt260
- January 31, 2021
‘Someone who has nothing to hide has nothing to fear’ is a widespread believe and excuse when it comes to the safety and use of people’s personal data. The truth is that not only those who have something to hide have something to fear, we all do. Our fundamental rights like the right to privacy […]
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History Repeats: Killer Robots follow Nuclear Weapons as the new Threat to Humanity
- Ege de Bruin & Daniel van der Riet
- January 31, 2021
The beginning of the 20th century was dominated by many conflicts, where the First World War (WW1) and the Second World War (WW2) were the greatest and deadliest conflicts on a global scale. Going from WW1 and WW2 there were many technological advancements made, with nuclear weapons being the most important one. A single bomb […]
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Why autonomous weapons should be banned
- Moin Niamat & Fajjaaz Chandoe
- January 31, 2021
In the present day, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already playing a big role in our society. For example, AI is already used for proactive healthcare management, disease mapping, automated financial investing, virtual travel booking agents and many more. While many people are hyped for what the future will be with regards to AI, there is […]
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We Need New Rules For Controlling And Monitoring The Evolution Of AI
- Leonardo Bolcato & Enrico Calleris
- January 31, 2021
The spreading of Artificial Intelligence in a lot of different domains is not news anymore. Intelligent systems, self-learning algorithms, and interconnected technologies have become normal tools in our society, often raising concerns and preoccupations that such systems might one day be able to outsmart humans. However, these problems are not as immediate as other threats […]
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The Great Danger of Mass Surveillance and AI
- Maegan Boosten and Axel Damen
- January 31, 2021
Picture your life in a country where everything you do is tracked by the government. Your behaviour is coupled with a social score and this score represents how trustworthy you are as a citizen. The social score also determines what possibilities you have, regarding travelling, education, employment, insurance, mortgage and your online activity. A lower […]
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Stop Using Social Media, Or Let Social Media Use You
- lbs362
- January 31, 2021
By Diana Jumaili and Laura Brongers Most of us pick up the phone several times a day to scroll here and there. Using social media is a private (yet not private at all) moment where you can take part of what friends, strangers, artists and even politicians share for the whole world to see. It […]
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That’s NOT Artificial Intelligence
- Marijn Hagenaar & Meena Alfons Kerolos
- January 31, 2021
Artificial Intelligence has been the talk of the town in both the business as well as the scientific field. It is seen as the next step in our revolution and an invention that should be applied within our society in many different areas. Artificial Intelligence (AI) sounds fancy and valuable when it comes to the […]
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