military purposes

Human & Machine
Power & Democracy
War & Peace
“Is AI making military harmful and overpowered?”
- epr770
- June 23, 2022
Introduction The rising demand in the defense sector of any government in the world is the incorporation and deployment of Intelligent Systems in the battlefield and in general surveillance. This is to reduce manual involvement and empty battlefields of human combatants. Although Artificial Intelligence has a wide range of algorithms to adapt to the specific […]
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War & Peace
Can AI affect the military industry for the better?
- Mickey van Immerseel & Alexis Mourier
- January 31, 2021
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a very up-and-coming topic these days. When talking about AI to friends and family, one might notice that the opinions are divided. Some say AI will be the future and will bring forth only positive outcomes for the coming generations. Others say that fully developed AI might be the end of […]
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