Human & Machine
Let’s Not Get Carried Away With Elon Musk’s Neuralink: It’s probably a bad idea
- Erin Zeeman & Geralda van 't Hof
- February 5, 2023
Elon Musk is known as an extravagant and highly entrepreneurial billionaire, responsible for ventures such as SpaceX, OpenAI, Hyperloop and Neuralink. The latter officially started off in the mid ’10s, being founded by Musk and several associates. At the start of the 20’s the company had grown to have close to 100 employees and was […]
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Human & Machine
Mind uploading in 2045: opportunities and hazards.
- Bram Kreuger & Deborah van Sinttruije
- January 31, 2021
2045, that’s the date that some futurists hope we can upload our mind. Uploading your mind to a computer and living eternally in bits and bites might seem like an episode from black mirror, but the possibility that we can upload our brain is a very possible feat in the future. There are plenty of […]
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