machine learning
How AI can help us make a leap towards a bias-free world
- Ravi Meijer & Xandra Vos
- February 24, 2021
You may not already know, but you are biased. Biased by the environment you grew up in, your gender, the things you watch on TV or YouTube, your skin tone, who you follow on Instagram, what type of papers you read and so on. The fact that you are reading this paper already tells that […]
Read MoreLet’s automate our policy makers as much as we can!
- St Nr.: 2680321 & 2682516
- February 1, 2021
Fundamentally, the government and public servants, i.e. policymakers make innumerable decisions every day. These decisions do have an impact on people’s lives ranging from minor to life-changing. Policymakers have a huge responsibility to ensure transparency, accountability and recourse to appeal that is appropriate to the impact of the decision. Hence, policymakers have an important role […]
Read MoreThat’s NOT Artificial Intelligence
- Marijn Hagenaar & Meena Alfons Kerolos
- January 31, 2021
Artificial Intelligence has been the talk of the town in both the business as well as the scientific field. It is seen as the next step in our revolution and an invention that should be applied within our society in many different areas. Artificial Intelligence (AI) sounds fancy and valuable when it comes to the […]
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