
Power & Democracy
How social media defines our present democracy and how we must shape our future
- James Bonello and Jorn Verheggen
- February 1, 2021
In the past decade, we have seen our democracy radically altered. Social media has become completely ubiquitous in our political lives. We have seen both activists trying to improve their futures and bad actors trying to hijack the democratic system. All this has been facilitated by companies that do not seem to concern themselves with […]
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Power & Democracy
Let’s automate our policy makers as much as we can!
- St Nr.: 2680321 & 2682516
- February 1, 2021
Fundamentally, the government and public servants, i.e. policymakers make innumerable decisions every day. These decisions do have an impact on people’s lives ranging from minor to life-changing. Policymakers have a huge responsibility to ensure transparency, accountability and recourse to appeal that is appropriate to the impact of the decision. Hence, policymakers have an important role […]
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